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Why Diets Don't Work. Here Are 5 Tips To Change Your Eating Habits For Long-Term Results!

Are you tired of following diets? How many different diets have you followed during your lifetime without seeing results? In this article we will teach you how to create healthy long-lasting eating habits.

diets don't work, healthy eating habits

As a dietitian I see a lot of patients who've tried so many different diets. They always struggled with the yoyo-effect - you lose weight but you quickly gain that weight back. It's a vicious circle that seems to never end. And here is why...We have to tackle the basics of nutrition first. If the foundation of your eating habits isn't great than it's difficult to maintain results in the long-term.

"Maybe we should go back to the basics of nutrition? But of course, it's less sexy than to talk about some fancy juice detox..."

The only way that will have a long-lasting effect on your health is if we go back to the basics of nutrition. What does that mean? Here are 5 tips to master the basics of nutrition that will provide all things that your body need to thrive.

1. Eat your proteins

It is so important to add #proteins in every meal! Proteins will help you feel more satisfied and full for longer. They are the building blocks in our body. I recommend you eat a mix of animal based proteins (chicken, eggs, fish, pork, beef,...) and plant-based proteins (legumes, tofu, seitan, tempeh,...). Focus on lean meats (less than 10g of fat per 100g) and fatty fish rich in omega 3 like salmon, mackerel, sardines etc.

2. Mindfulness is key

While eating you should focus on your hunger levels. Adapt you portions on the hunger that you are feeling in that moment. It can be complicated at the beginning if you've always been dieting, but the more you do it the more you will start to feel your hunger levels. As you're eating be mindful of your level of satiety as well. If you feel that your are full - stop eating and put the leftovers in the fridge or take it with you in a doggy bag if you are at the restaurant.

Extra tip: don't use any screen while eating it will help you feel the signals that your body is sending you.

3. Eat your Carbs

Don't eliminated any food group of your diet! Your body needs sugar to function. Min. 50% of our energy intake should come from carbs. They will help you feel more energised during the day.

4. Eat Enough

I see a lot of patients who don't eat enough during the day. They often feel low on energy and always have cravings in the afternoon. If you are also training it's important that your body has enough fuel to recover. Eat at least 3 meals a day that are "complete" that means with proteins, fats, carbs and fiber.

5. Rome wasn't build in a day - Patience is key

Changing your eating habits won't happen in a day - it could take several weeks, months or even years. It can be challenging when we are used to have short term diets and results. But it's for the better, because food should be something that you enjoy and that nourishes your body at the same time.


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